News & Reviews
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“Even with the broken bones, missing teeth and other trauma, those interviewed in this thoughtful elegy to the enforcer say they have no regrets over the path they chose.”
“Ice Guardians will broaden everyone’s view on the disparaged enforcers.”
“Ice Guardians does an excellent job of setting its stage because of the player interviews that effectively characterize what initially appears as savagery between muscular, testosterone-driven men, and is gradually revealed to something much more sacred.”
“Few [sports documentaries] examine one particular position on a team, especially one so misunderstood and controversial.”
Awards & Recognition
2017 Best Documentary
2017 Best Direction in a Documentary Program
2017 Best Screenwriter Non-Fiction Over 30
2017 Best Overall Sound (Non-Fiction Over 30 Minutes)
2017 Best Documentary Over 30 Minutes
2017 Best Music Score